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Kidgarde Scholarship Competition

By clicking the box I agree to the Terms and conditions related to this competition.

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Terms and Conditions

  • Registration for the competition closes 31 May 2023 and your child’s drawing needs o be submitted via email to [email protected] before then.
  • The Company’s decision is final, and winners will be announced in June 2023.  The cash deposits will be made to the bank accounts of the Schools as the support offered are exclusively for school support.
  • Only primary school children can be entered.
  • Only one registration per child allowed.  If you have more than one child attending primary school, you can register each child separately.
  • The parents give permission that the winners can be photographed, and images used in marketing material of Healthgarde in line with the POPI act .
  • The parents give permission to Healthgarde to interview the parents and winning children at the end of 2023 to ascertain progress and academic success, as well as to the impact of the supportive funding.  The parents also give permission for Healthgarde to use this information responsibly in marketing material according to the POPI act.
  • Please note that no Healthgarde Consultant’s children from 1 April will be considered for bursary support.
  • Parents agree to be contacted by Healthgarde to be invited to Healthgarde events.
  • Only Children aged 7 – 14 years of age will qualify for the competition.