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Healthgarde (Pty) Ltd is a company duly incorporated in terms of the company laws of South Africa.

These website terms and conditions shall manage your use of the Healthgarde website

By using this website (including shopping, registering, browsing etc), you agree that you have familiarise yourself with the terms and condition; are bound by them  and you accept all terms and conditions written herein. Furthermore, The website and all communications and transactions concluded using the website are governed by, and you agree to, the application of the laws of the Republic of South Africa.

Healthgarde grants users a limited revocable license to access and make personal use of the Healthgarde website, photos and information provided but this information may not be reproduced or sold for commercial use or to be used for the benefit of other businesses or any data mining, robots, or similar data gathering and extraction tools. No one is allowed to modify the Healthgarde website in any way without the written consent of Healthgarde. Any violation of the terms and conditions will result in the usage being barred.

Registered customers or consultants should  ensure that all information provided to Healthgarde is complete and correct. Healthgarde does not save users’ passwords therefore users are to ensure that you keep your password confidential to avoid comprise of your account as Healthgarde cannot be held liable for a breach of password.

By placing an order through the Healthgarde website, you acceot that your order may be fulfilled by the Healthgarde customer care centre or any of its depots around South Africa. All product prices displayed are inclusive of Value Added Tax.

In no event and at no time shall Healthgarde, its officers, employees or directors be held liable arising out of or connected with your use of our website. Healthgarde, including its officers, employers or directors shall not be held liable for any indirect, consequential, or special liability arising out of or in any way related to your use of this website.

You hereby indemnify hold blameless Healthgarde (including its officers, employees and directors), against any and all claims or liabilities including attorney’s fees, arising from and/or connected to your use of this website or violation of the terms and conditions of this website.

Any dispute may be sent to [email protected] and disputes are governed by the laws of South Africa.

Healthgarde may amend its terms and conditions from time to time without prior notification to users.