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60 TABLETS | CODE 231708950 001



Supplement for mature women to assist with the management of menopause.


Dosage and directions for use:

Take 2 tablets daily or as directed. Femplex should not be used by women who have had breast cancer or liver disease.


Each 2 tablets contains:
Ingredients Quantity
FoodState® blend:  
Betacarotene 1.6 mg
Vitamin B2 1.6 mg
Vitamin B6 1.6 mg
Vitamin B12 4 μg
Folic acid 160 μg
Vitamin E 5 IU
Magnesium 8 mg
Iron 2 mg
Zinc 2 mg
Chromium GTF 20 μg
Horny Goat Weed 200 mg
Omega 3 powder 200 mg
Black cohosh 120 mg
Wild Yam 80 mg
Ginkgo Biloba 50 mg
Humulus 40 mg
Soy Isoflavones 25 mg